The following are a series of Facebook posts detailing the process and journey of rewriting my Beloved Story.
by Deborah Globus The following are a series of Facebook posts detailing the process and journey of rewriting my Beloved Story. ![]() Sick days, self-care, and what counts in staying connected to your project. All of these came up over the last two weeks. We do what we can, right? We hold onto the thread as best we can. Sometimes it slides through our fingers and we just barely keep a hold. And it's okay. It has to be okay, because it is what it is, and no amount of fighting against that is ever going to change it. So, I practice going with it. Some call it Acceptance. Some call it Surrender. Call it what you will, just practice.... be Deborah Globus The following are a series of Facebook posts detailing the process and journey of rewriting my Beloved Story.
OK, the *start* of the middle but still the middle.
And middles are not sexy. There's no rush of completion in the middle. There's not the joyful energy of beginning (or beginning again.) The Likes from that first week are dwindling, my cheerleaders quieter now. No one's writing sonnets (or very many blog posts even) about the middle. Yes, I am entering the middle, or the slog as I call it, and it's not sexy. Just necessary. And just the time that one needs to find her inner badass in order to make it through. #WritersLife #MaggieAndChristian #MiddlesAreNOTsexy #BadAss#LetsDoThis by Deborah Globus The following are a series of Facebook posts detailing the process and journey of rewriting my Beloved Story. "Weekend" 3 and the starting is easier. That's the beauty of editing and rewriting with ritual. I DID pop over to Google to find that lovely image of David Tennant's lovely face telling me I should write and I found ALL OF THESE! You've got everything from Loki, to two Doctors, to my boys from Supernatural, to my favorite today...the bloody Queen of England. So, off I go...smiling. I'll check in later on page count. Wish me luck! #WritersLife#MaggieAndChristian
by Deborah Globus
by Deborah Globus The following are a series of Facebook posts detailing the process and journey of rewriting my Beloved Story. October 1st, 2015 So, here's the deal. (Warning: LONG post ahead) I finished a first draft of my beloved story back in the summer of 2014. Its very first readers took a gentle look & offered some advice (and from my friend, the college professor, quite a few grammatical corrections.) ![]() It has been "resting" ever since. I relaunched the website, got my footing under me business-wise, got Jake Bar Mitzvah-ed. I discovered just the book I needed to edit in a truly constructive way. My story has been whispering to me, though. Today is the day that I answer. Today I begin. Begin what? And how? |
AuthorMy name is Deborah Globus and I am La Padre. With me you'll find the support you need to uncover practical, do-able spiritual practices that work for you. I offer new perspectives on old practices like journaling and ritual, with a side of compassion and a healthy dose of humor, just to keep it down-to-earth and real! Categories