Think about how much time you spend on your computer. Ignore the technological frustrations for a moment, and consider how much good your computer allows you to do, probably on a daily basis.
Show that miraculous piece of technology a little love and respect, and offer it a blessing. And today is the perfect day for it since it's Name Your PC day (according to Mental Floss Magazine.)
3. Read this blessing:
May your glitches be few.
May your memory be fast, and
May your pixels be pure.
May your wi-fi be fiece and strong.
May you be a portal to the wider world and its web
Connecting me to my tribe,
Making offerings of love, laughter & learning.
May you always be a tool for good.
So mote it be.
Maybe it seems a little silly, but when I think about how much work I do on my little laptop, when I consider how it let's me answer my calling in the world, I want to honor that. I want to celebrate it. I want to bless it.