Calm the Holiday Crazies* - for the holidays you always hoped for
Calming the Holiday Crazies CallFriday, November 22, 2024 @ 12pm Eastern/9pm Pacific
Plan a holiday experience, in spite of it all! |
*This is the tried and true Jennifer Hofmann class, lovingly entrusted to me for this holiday season!
In this 2 hour class, discover ways to honor the season, honor your heart and learn how to calm your "crazies" by replacing them with intention.
You get:
You'll leave the call with an actual plan that'll help you navigate the holidays in a way that feels sane, hopeful and true to who you are. Even during COVID.
My holidays are crazy enough this year that I'm thrilled Deb's taking on the Calming the Holiday Crazies class. With her unique brand of magic, she'll help you get through this season with love and grace.
-Jennifer Hofmann, Inspired Home Office |
"Happy Holidays"? That happy part can sure feel like a challenge
Stores started decorating for Christmas the day after Halloween, the Starbucks cup debacle started soon after, and we’re not even up to Thanksgiving. There’s shopping, gifting, logistics (!!) cleaning, decorating, and worst of all…the expectation that you love it all.
And then there's this pesky pandemic this year, gumming up the works and making the holidays even more challenging than a usual year. No wonder there's no energy to ring in the New Year. |
The crazies can suck the life and joy out of what could be a sacred time. The dark months have the power to transform, but we miss it in all the madness. And on top of that, grief, disappointment, sadness, and loneliness threaten to swamp us in 2020.
Every year we resolve not to get caught up in it again, but forget to ask why it happens in the first place?
Every year we resolve not to get caught up in it again, but forget to ask why it happens in the first place?
Why the crazies continue year after year
As "unseasonal" as it may seem, the cause is rooted in fear.
You’re afraid - afraid of disappointing loved ones; afraid of over-spending; afraid that your gifts won’t be enough (and that by reflection that YOU won’t be enough.) There’s the worry about how tidy the house is, and the lurking fear that overwhelm is creeping in. And maybe, too, you’re afraid people will see behind your façade and know how un-merry you actually feel.
There's the fear of infection, the fear of getting loved ones sick, fear of the unknown...fearfearfear.
Fear like all this whips up your mind and heart into a frenzy.
We may not want to call what we’re feeling fear because that totally runs contrary to the "spirit of the season," and the not wanting to feel a certain way just makes the whole thing worse.
And so this sacred time becomes a perfect storm for your heart and spirit.
Deep down you probably know what could make these 6 weeks truly nourishing, it's just hard to get clear when you’re spending all your energy fighting back fear and overwhelm.
It helps to take some time to reflect.
Instead of getting steamrolled by the holidays, what you need is a heart-nourishing, love-affirming plan. And this year, a few ideas and suggestions on re-imagining the holidays and taking new approaches.
You’re afraid - afraid of disappointing loved ones; afraid of over-spending; afraid that your gifts won’t be enough (and that by reflection that YOU won’t be enough.) There’s the worry about how tidy the house is, and the lurking fear that overwhelm is creeping in. And maybe, too, you’re afraid people will see behind your façade and know how un-merry you actually feel.
There's the fear of infection, the fear of getting loved ones sick, fear of the unknown...fearfearfear.
Fear like all this whips up your mind and heart into a frenzy.
We may not want to call what we’re feeling fear because that totally runs contrary to the "spirit of the season," and the not wanting to feel a certain way just makes the whole thing worse.
And so this sacred time becomes a perfect storm for your heart and spirit.
Deep down you probably know what could make these 6 weeks truly nourishing, it's just hard to get clear when you’re spending all your energy fighting back fear and overwhelm.
It helps to take some time to reflect.
Instead of getting steamrolled by the holidays, what you need is a heart-nourishing, love-affirming plan. And this year, a few ideas and suggestions on re-imagining the holidays and taking new approaches.
That’s where the Calming the Holiday Crazies call comes in!
A gentle and supportive opportunity to hear what your heart and spirit want for the holidays
In our two hours together, the group will go through a process that identifies what you do and don’t want for your holidays. Then we’ll move on to an action plan. Finally, we’ll come up with an intention word (but not just any word – a power word) to easily hold onto, and anchor you in the potentially stormy waters of this beloved/dreaded season.
Want to feel calm, joyful, and nourished this holiday season? Join me.
Calming the Holiday Crazies
Date: November 24th, 2020
1 pm EST/9am PST
You can enjoy this class for just $48! Priced right, for your holiday budget!