Just to my left as I write this is the altar I keep in my office. It’s MY altar. Not the family altar. Not the kid’s altars. Mine, and so it has on it things that are important to me:
It has my Story-Beads for connecting with my peeps It has my folded crane with my wishes for 2015 There’s a seashell to connect me to my Goddess of the Year An arrow for direction and The Archer – a tarot card for 2015 to remind me of the skill necessary to properly use the direction I am given. And candles. And my BossLady Beads. And bees – lots and lots of bees. |
The simple answer is: I’m forgetful.
I want to live and intentional, focused life. But there’s laundry and dishes to do. There’s kids to get here and there. There’s to-do lists and projects and distractions galore.
All those distractions (beloved and less so) cause me to lose track of what’s important to me.
I set up an altar as a gentle, visual reminder.
And they work! That’s because altars are of focal point – at their heart ALL altars show you where to look. Think of a church or synagogue. Without the altar, no one would know where to put their attention!
And so, I make the time to create altars. I put them where I will see them regularly. And when I look at them I’m reminded of all the good in my life.
I’m reminded that I have big plans for 2015 I’m reminded that I have a calling and that I love following it I’m reminded that there are others out there looking for what it is that I do (YOU) and that I do this work for them I’m reminded of Grace (my word for the year) And that’s just one altar! There are others throughout the house, reminders of other blessed intentions. But the one just to my left as I write this is mine, with things that are important to me. #WhatsOnYOURAltar ...? |