Tell us about your practice. Coloring is all the rage these days. In fact, a search of “adult coloring books” on Amazon yielded 7,111 results! Coloring is awesome, but I believe that the real power comes when we color with intention. For me this means setting an intention, choosing a mandala that holds the energy of that intention, and then coloring with possibility, purpose and a heart wide open. The best way to explain this is to share an example from my own life. Mandala in Sanskrit means “container of sacred essence.” Think of the mandala as a beautiful vessel designed to hold the essence of whatever energy is poured into it. |
So when I wanted to bring more abundance into my life I chose my “I Am Abundant” mandala. (I design my mandalas using the letters of empowering and intentional words. This infuses the mandala with the essential energy of that word.)
Next I chose color to match my intention. Green for growth, prosperity and a heart to receive; blue for flow; gold for richness and earth energy; and violet for a connection to divine energy.
Then I stated my intention: “I intend to live an abundant life filled with freedom and flow.” I lit a candle, put on music that spoke to me, and settled in with the mandala. As I colored I visualized (in vivid detail) how it would look and feel to live in the freedom and flow of abundance. As the mandala started to come to life I saw and felt myself as an abundant woman. I asked for guidance and listened for answers.
By the time the mandala was complete I had a new program idea, the beginnings of a launch plan, and a deep sense that all is possible. I also had a gorgeous mandala to remind me that my intention had been activated and that the Universe was busy working on my behalf to bring it to life.
Now, whenever I doubt, worry, or lose my focus, the mandala is there to help me remember that I Am Abundant.
This is just one of the many, many lessons I have learned from coloring my mandalas with intention.
- My mind stops chattering, my heart opens and I become very present.
- Ideas, inspirations, and “aha moments” magically start to pop in.
- My body relaxes and my stress literally melts away. If I stay present, I often experience a deep, abiding knowing that my intention has been activated and all is possible.
What would you recommend to someone taking up this practice? How should they start? First step is to find a coloring page that resonates with you. I recommend mandalas. Many mandalas are created to hold specific energies. Choose one that holds the energy of your intention. Next gather your pens, markers, crayons and colored pencils. Get comfy, relax and center yourself. Then just start coloring. Trust the process and allow the mandala to unfold. Open your heart, clear your mind, listen for insights and watch for the magic emerge. |
~ Ru Paul

I am holding a Coloring Party with Prizes (and giving away six of my original mandalas) to grow my list and gather a tribe of big-hearted, world-changing dreamers who believe that they have a message and a mission to share.
I am creating three new mandala coloring books.
I’ll be opening my Word of the Year Mandala offer this week.
I’m working on new offers for the New Year, and opening space to design for three new non-profit organizations and three new publishers who want to make a big impact in 2016. And, I just became a published author.