Once I suspect something isn’t working, I turn my attention to finding something that will make it work.
Case in point: the Starbucks cup debacle. (Bear with me – I promise this will be enlightening, and not just a little bit humorous!)
I called on my love of making graphics; I pulled in my desire for community and collaboration. I used the things I know make me happy.
And, yes, Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster were involved, but sometimes that’s how things have to go.
That’s what I want you to take away from this post.
No, not Cthulhu!
It’s that you, too, have the power to make something positive out of something troublesome.
This holiday season you can calm the holiday “crazies” and have the holiday experience you’ve always hoped for. How? Well, it takes awareness; it takes discernment; it takes having a plan.
This week I’m leading two calls that will support you in doing just this, and I’d be honored if you joined me. If you click on the images below, it'll take you right to the pages where you'll find all the information you need and instructions on how to get in on the calls - or get the recordings if you can't make it live.