As I adjust to my own new work situation, I've been pulling out all my tools.
Next week I'll tell you all about how I use altars to refocus through transition. But in the meantime, I want to share a story about bickering with your kids and how to energetically contain them so that YOU can focus and get back to what needs to be done.
Problem is, often there's nothing to resolve that negativity short of time.
And there's still work to do!
There's still a way to safeguard the time and space you need to spend working, while respecting the natural process of letting things work themselves out.
My advice was this: put her daughter in a box. Not literally of course (tempting as they may seem when we argue with our loved ones!) No, the trick is to symbolically put them into a box.
- Find a box with a lid.
- Put a soft cloth inside; make it cozy. We want them comfortable and cared for while still wanting them away from us.
- Put a symbol of the person inside the box (a photo, a scrap of paper with their name, or some small token that represents them.)
- Close the box. You've just energetically contained them and all the energy that surrounds them, lovingly and privately.
- Take the time you need to do your work.
- Important note: After you're done working, OPEN the box again. It's bad form to leave the person in there to stagnate. It won't hurt them per se, but it's a bit rude.
This temporary fix allows us to get work done in less than optimal circumstances. Opening up the box opens up the relationship again and allows for re-connection. You can also use this practice for worries and distractions; a cozy box is a good place to hold all kinds of difficulties, not just the teenage variety. The rituals we create have got to help us in life; they've got to meet the needs we have. Sometimes those needs are as basic as needing a safe, undistracting place to get done that which needs to get done. |
...creating it, lovingly and gently, for ourselves.