Three things to keep in mind when you're integrating after a moving and meaningful time away:
- Go slow. All that stuff you think you can do? Do less. Unpack this week, maybe. Move slowly in transitioning back into ordinary life after sacred space and time. Ease back.
- Three days out. That fatigue, that grumpiness? It’s grief. Pure and simple. Sadness from the loss of strong bonds formed from shared experience and tight community.
- Raw experience. You may want to capture everything that happened. You may also, unexpectedly, find yourself mired in creative block. It’s OK. It may just be too soon. As Christina writes about in Storycatcher, we often need time to process before we’re ready to make meaning of an experience.
Thanks to Christina Baldwin, my mentor for many years now.
And thanks to Rachelle Mee-Chapman for putting together this weekend’s Soul Sisters Gathering ’13, a truly wonderful experience.