Ends are snipped, knots are tied and everyone leaves with a bracelet of red.
These bracelets stay on until the call goes out that BABY HAS ARRIVED! Until that call actually comes, though, participants (and the mom who has one, too) can’t help but thing of the wonderful ceremony every time they look down at their wrists.
It binds everyone together in a loving way as they wait patiently for the big moment.
One of those big moments came this week as Erica welcomed a 10 lb 8 oz baby boy into the world on Sunday morning after a powerhouse of a full moon.
I wore the bracelet from Erica’s ceremony for quite a few weeks (she was well overdue) and every time I noticed it on my wrist I’d touch it and send her warm wishes. I felt connected to her, still a part of this experience even though I was miles away from her.
It was a gift to be allowed that kind of closeness and intimacy.
Congratulations to her and her family and friends and all the wonderful women who helped her prepare for this big moment. She went into labor surrounded by love, and knowing it!